“If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed where we want to go.”

The History
behind this neighborhood is a story to be told. As far back as the early 1800’s, there is documentation that shows that from Martin Luther King Drive to Lincoln Ave. was a lake approximately 10 – 15 acres in size. The run-off of the very famous mineral springs that is still located near Union Hill and Martin Luther King Drive (formerly Seventh St.) is what kept the lake full of clear, fresh, uncontaminated water. This lake was called Goose Lake. Lots around the lake were considered choice lake-front property. There were boats that docked and fishermen that caught fresh fish in Goose Lake, and in the winter when the lake was frozen it became a popular place for ice skating.
The Lake was drained during the Civil War era and was subdivided by the family of Lydia Moss-Bradley, founders of Bradley University. There doesn’t seem to be a clear record of why the demise of the lake came about, but History tells us that there was once beauty there. There are those of us who call this area home. We would just like to go back to a time when prosperity was apparent, safety was not an issue, neighbors knew neighbors, and the Goose Lake Neighborhood was the choice place to live!!!
Reach out to at any time via the contact form below if you have questions, comments or concerns.
Martha Ross
PresidentLinda Smith
Vice-PresidentAmeila Nichols
As each goose flaps it’s wings, it creates an “uplift” for the bird following. By flying in a “V” formation, the whole flock adds 71% more flying range than if each bird flew alone.
THE LESSON: People who share a common direction and sense of community can go further and get where they are going quicker and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of one another…
The Goose Lake Neighborhood Association was founded in the late 1980’s and was formerly called the 5th and King Neighborhood Association. The boundaries are from MacArthur Highway and Martin Luther King Drive to river west, to McBean Street to Steubenville, to Smith Street to Blaine Street and back to Martin Luther King Drive. We invite all of our citizens to join us in our pursuit of neighborhood wellness. We also have invited our local businesses to become a part of this great movement to come together for the betterment of everyone involved.
There are residents who have lived in the neighborhood for as long as 60 years and others as little as two weeks. Whether long or short, “united we stand to prosper, but divided we will continue to fall!” We must come together as positive leaders for the youth of our community.
“If we invest in the neighborhood now, we can collect on our investment later in the youth who will guide our future”

The vision for the neighborhood is to be able to enjoy the place where we we live and to have visitors from other neighborhoods and other cities desire to frequent the Goose Lake area because of its beauty and richness. Moreover, it is to see every family in a position of self-sufficiency and balance.
Some short and long term goals are as follows:
- Survey the residents to determine who lives in the neighborhood and what the needs are.
- Develop a communication strategy to keep people informed.
- Invite and encourage businesses to invest in the neighborhood.
- Invite and encourage developers to invest in the neighborhood.
- Develop a process for more efficient and effective city services in the neighborhood.
- Develop a process to enhance safety for neighborhood residences.
- Promote employment legislation and programs that will serve to sustain families.
- Develop and identify programs that enhance and promote a positive future for the youth and the future of the Goose Lake Neighborhood.